November 30, 2023

Why Carbon Crusher


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In an age where innovative solutions to global challenges are paramount, Carbon Crusher emerges as a trailblazer. Founded on the audacious principle that our planet's 70 million km of gray roads can not only be environmentally neutral, but a critical component of the climate solution. Carbon Crusher introduces a radical approach: make the roads we tread part of our mission to heal the Earth.

With the mission statement:

We use the biosphere to heal the atmosphere, the team from Norway is using nature's own means to bind CO2 in the infrastructure that surrounds us. "Nature has its way of healing, and we are simply tapping into its innate wisdom," states the visionary team. Every solution they devise underscores three core values: superior quality, cost-effectiveness, and an unyielding commitment to our home planet.

By introducing the groundbreaking "Crushing as a Service", Carbon Crusher blends sustainable on-the-spot recycling, non-fossil inputs, and end-to-end software solutions. Their stellar track record shines brightly with over 15 years of testing on Norway's challenging terrains, from torrential rains to harsh winters. Their carbon-negative impact? A staggering 5kg per m2. To put that into perspective, they've already sequestered a CO₂ volume equivalent to 18 Empire State Buildings!

"Our ambition soars beyond numbers. Envision transforming 2% of the world's roads – and then igniting a ripple effect globally," the team muses.

The brainchild of three intrepid climate vikings - Haakon, Hans Arne, and Kris - Carbon Crusher's journey from the serene Hjartdal ("Heart Valley") in Norway to the bustling hub of Silicon Valley, is nothing short of a Norwegian fairytale. Their innovation caught the discerning eye of Y-Combinator, ushering them into the prestigious W22 batch. This monumental leap was swiftly followed by a successful funding round, securing an impressive $15m USD from a consortium of top-tier, climate-focused investors, with LowerCarbon Capital at the helm.

Their U.S. debut this summer stood as a testament to their resilience and innovation. Arizona's blistering heat, with melting asphalt and temperatures soaring over 42°C on most days, proved to be the ideal battleground. Carbon Crusher not only showcased the robustness of their roads but also underlined the urgency of implementing sustainable solutions in the face of extreme climate anomalies.

In the words of the Carbon Crusher team, "The sky isn't our boundary, our imagination is." As they endeavour to paint the world green, one road at a time, it's evident that Carbon Crusher isn't just laying roads; they're charting a course for our planet's future.

As they embark on scaling their vision in the U.S., forging collaborations with eco-conscious partners, and intensifying their R&D into next-gen bio-sequestering techniques, there's palpable excitement in the air. And there are rumours of a test road in Norway that sequesters 10x the amount of CO₂ that we deliver today.  The upcoming launch of SkyRoads, bolstered by the state-of-the-art Crusher 2.0 hardware suite, and software promises to redefine how traditional industries plan, survey, measure and document our infrastructure. 

Written by

Preben Sander

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